
get :: (Any key, Collection collection) => Any value


Returns the value of the item associated to the provided key. The key will the item's index if the collection is an Array, the item's key if the collection is an Object or a Map, or the item's value if the collection is a Set (because keys and values are identical in Sets).

Like all functions in conductor, get is curried.


basic example

import { get } from 'conductor'

const items = ['hello', 'world']
get(1, items) // 'world'

Here we simply retrieve the item at the index 1 in our array.

working with other data structures

import { get } from 'conductor'

const set = new Set(['hello', 'world'])
const object = { drumsticks: 2 }
const map = new Map([['drumsticks', 2]])
get('world', set) // 'world'
get('drumsticks', object) // 2
get('drumsticks', map) // 2

get works on Collection types: Arrays, Maps, Sets and Objects.


import { get, map } from 'conductor'

const characters = [{ name: 'Luke' }, { name: 'Han' }]
map(get('name'), characters) // ['Luke', 'Han']

get is very often used in its partially applied form, which allows you to write very minimalistic & reusable code. Here get('name') returns a function which will retrieve the name property on the item's value. This function is then passed to map, which calls it with an item at each iteration.

Last updated