
forEach :: (Function callback, Collection collection) => undefined | Promise<undefined>


Iterates over a collection and calls the provided callback function for each item in the collection. The callback function should have the following signature:

(Any value, Any key, Collection collection) => Any


  • value is the current item's value

  • key is the item's key or index (depending on if the collection is an Array, a Set, an Object, or a Map).

  • collection is the collection being iterated on.

If the collection is a Set, the value and the key will be equal.

If the callback function is asynchronous, forEach will return a Promise which will be resolved when all the promises generated by calling the callback function with each item in the collection are resolved. You could say that forEach is roughly equivalent map, except it returns undefined in the end (ie forEach( asyncFn, collection) ~ Promise.all( => undefined)).


basic example

import { forEach } from 'conductor'

const numbers = [3, 1, 4]
const log = x => console.log(x)
forEach(numbers, log)
// 3
// 1
// 4

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